I get a new sleeping place..

Since the past couple of months, I’ve been sleeping on my basking platform, slightly submerged in water, so its easy for me to simply reach out to breathe and get back in water to maintain my temperature. I also feel safer in water than on land.

We turtles are ectothermal, we get our heat from our surroundings, and its winter time in Delhi. The air inside the house can be as cold as 15°C at night, with my basking lamp off. So Adit made me a small sleeping box which stays in his room, with his favourite towel as a bed for me to get cozy in..



He uses the thermometer to keep a check on the temperatures inside. And it stays warm in there. So I snuggle deep into the towel and sleep..

My box is besides the oil filled heater, so it stays around 25-27°C inside, and its very comfortable.

Adit got the idea from Novroz, who keeps her turtle Papoe in a similar box. She’s got some of the most amazing turtles and Adit wants me to be just like them, warm and loving towards him. Adit hopes that I’ll start trusting him soon enough.


And thats me hiding inside the box. Time to sleep until morning. Good night till then…